When you are planning a funeral for a loved one, you have to decide how you will have the body prepared for the funeral service. One thing to consider is if you will have them wear makeup. Makeup can be applied to hide blemishes or to make your loved one look more natural and like themselves. If you are planning a viewing or memorial service before you cremate the body with
funeral homes in West Reading, PA, be sure to think about some of these tips and ideas to help you make your plans more easily.
Did The Deceased Normally Wear Makeup?
One way to decide if you should apply makeup to the body of a deceased loved one is to think about if they wore makeup while they were alive. You can ask the funeral home to make sure your loved one is wearing the types of makeup that they usually wore. You can give them photos of the deceased when they were looking their best and ask that they make your loved one look that way. This will also make it so the deceased looks natural and it is easy to see who they are and think about how much they look like themselves while they were alive.
What Does Your Family Prefer?
If your family would prefer that your loved one look as natural as possible, they might not want to have them wear a lot of makeup. The funeral home will apply some makeup to the body to make sure it looks colorful and realistic. They may choose to cover up blemishes, bruising, or marks. The makeup can also help any other marks that may have occurred to the body while they were being transported to the hospital or had medical care or while the body was being transferred to the funeral home. Be sure to check with your family members to find out if they have a preference about what your loved one wears as far as makeup goes.
What Would The Deceased Want?
Some people express their feelings about makeup and how they want their bodies treated before they pass away. They may even make their plans clear in a will. Would they prefer to have makeup or would they rather not have it applied to their body. They may have made their plans or desires clear in their plans for their estate or funeral or they may have just talked with you about it. It’s best to follow their wishes when possible.
If you are planning service at funeral homes in West Reading, PA and you want to decide if your loved one should wear makeup to the viewing, be sure to keep some of these tips and ideas in mind. If you are ready to make your plans, the Whelan Schwartz Funeral Home, Inc.. can help. Give us a call or stop by today to learn more about our services and all the ways we can help you with your funeral plans.