While cremation is a popular alternative to a traditional burial, it can be complicated and confusing for children. Most children thing of traditional burials when they think of death and when they find out about cremation it can be a little overwhelming and upsetting to them. If you want to make sure your children are scared or traumatized by cremation services in Reading, PA, you will need to talk to them about it. Here are some tips to do that.
Be Real With Them
If your children are old enough to understand the cremation process and how it works, you should be able to explain it to them properly. Sometimes the scary part of something is the unknown. When children learn what cremation is and how it works, they may not see it as something so scary. You should also let them know that people choose to be cremated.
Explain The Benefits
When children understand why people choose cremation and are aware of the benefits, they may not see it as such a bad thing and may think of it as something good. It’s important to explain the many benefits of cremation such as how it can help the environment, how it requires fewer resources, and how it’s an affordable option for people who deserve a proper funeral but don’t necessarily have the money to pay for a traditional one.
Let The Ask Questions
Many children have questions about cremation but don’t know if they should ask them. When you are speaking to your children about cremation and want to make sure they understand what to expect, encourage them to ask questions. You can also ask them questions so they can answer them and you can tell them if they are correct or not.
Reassure Them
If your children are scared about what they might see, hear, find, or experience at a cremation service, it’s important to reassure them. Let them know they are safe and talk to them about what they can expect. This will make sure there aren’t any surprises and will help them feel more comfortable with the idea of cremation. Children need a lot of reassurance and this is especially true if they are scared or worried about something such as a cremation service.
If you have planned cremation services in Reading, PA for a loved one but are worried about how your children will react to them, you should talk to them about the service. This will help ensure they know what to expect and can help reduce their fear. If you need to plan a cremation service, be sure to contact Whelan Schwartz Funeral Home. We are happy to assist you with all your planning needs and will even talk with your family to help ensure your kids are comfortable with the idea of cremation. Give us a call today or stop by to learn about services or to start planning a funeral or cremation service with us today.